Nothing much to report today. Going to Toy Kingdom to get some Crayolas for Rutambo. I have very high hopes for Toy Kingdom (imagining it somewhat like what Bart Simposon imagines life is like after the kids are in bed: basically a fantastic circus of fun and laughs with Alfred E. Newman as ringmaster) and will be devastated if they do not vend that time-honored crowd-pleaser, the box of 64 with built-in sharpener. Am looking very forward to introducing Rutam to the pleasures of burnt sienna and raw umber.
Wow, I totally forgot about the box sharpener.
The conspiracy side of me immediately wants to think of the implications of presenting sharpening accessories to a toddler. Do our little ones really NEED razor sharp crayons? Is this really a plot by the crayola company to build an army of wax wielding super child-bots?
The rational business side of me just gets angry for combining both the crayons and sharpener into one simple package. There are obviously two distinct products here that the crayola company could make a clean mint on with a little foresight and some elbow grease. When you buy your bagged salad in the super market, you don't get the dressing. Batteries not included, bitches.
Hope you had fun at the Toy Kingdom.
I like your thinking, Winter. There is a certain undeniable sadism in giving tots the tool that will turn their color sticks into eye-piercing, ear drum-bursting wands of mayhem. However, on the business side of things, think how much more quickly those crayons dwindle as they're honed by wild-eyed little ADHDers with time and madness on their hands. If it weren't for the sharpener, your average crayon would last about 1.7 million years. The sharpener cuts that time down to months, maybe a year tops. So, really, the sharpener is an essential money-spinner for Crayola...
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